
Organizations are in a race to understand their risk from regulations for the protection and use of personal data, which are on the rise worldwide. With the GDPR in Europe, the CCPA in California, KVKK in Turkey, and several other regulatory actions being enacted around the world, corporations now face serious fiscal consequences and reputational damage that might follow a potential data breach.

Many companies and government agencies have already sent employees home to work remotely in response to concerns about the coronavirus.  This week, thousands of additional employers will likely follow suit until concerns about the contagion ease.  The International Association of IT Asset Managers (IAITAM) is warning that most employers may have rushed into making their decision without thinking through how to secure their most sensitive data.

In most organisations, the records management team and the information security teams are separated, primarily because information security is seen as a technology function, and records management is not. But good records management requires effective security management, and good cybersecurity practice relies on appropriate recordkeeping. By considering the ways in which these two domains intersect, we can make the case for closer collaboration, if not connection, between these roles.

Office 365 information governance is about better managing information assets, not just ensuring compliance. I have below tried to summarize some of the most important requirements for improving information governance for Office 365 and beyond. This Office 365 checklist for information governance is part of the information management strategy that I addressed in a previous post.

Everything accomplished in an organization requires a series of business activities, which together comprise a process. Whether the organization is a hospital, bank, manufacturer, or any other type of business, its level of success is directly tied to how well it performs and manages its many business processes.
