
On Monday, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) brought proceedings against Facebook in the Federal Court, asking the court to impose financial penalties for serious interference with the privacy of more than 300,000 Australians. To our knowledge, this is the first time the privacy regulator has sought civil penalty orders under the Privacy Act.

We commonly accept that Enterprise Architecture is informed by business strategy. This assumption is deeply embedded in our mainstream methodologies, so why do so many architectural projects go wrong at great operational and financial cost?

This week, Micro Focus released a whitepaper in conjunction with IDC on the topic of digital transformation (DX).  IDC compiled information for this study from hundreds of interviews, and their annual survey of tens of thousands of IT and business decision makers, making them a top authority on digitally transforming the enterprise. 

A major international company with an office in Perth is facing a $30 million ransom demand from cyber criminals who have locked its computer system in Australia, forcing the company to stop trading.

An interesting set of dominoes is waiting to topple in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As government and business respond by encouraging, then compelling staff to work from home four things are going to happen in inevitable sequence:
