
Contracts are the engine of a business. About 90 percent of organizational spending and investments are governed by the terms and conditions embodied in them. Organizations continue to be challenged in identifying and extracting value from their contracts.

The NSW auditor general has called for the Office of Local Government to develop a cyber security policy to ensure a consistent response across councils after finding 80% don’t have a cyber security framework.

Archives around the world are filled with handwritten letters and typed memos.  But what about correspondence of a later vintage? How should governments, universities, business, and archives ensure the future generations can access and render email?

EncompaaS – Enterprise Compliance as-a-Service – promises a new solution to the governance dilemma: How do you transform into an agile digital organisation while maintaining control across all your content, applications and services, whether on-premises or increasingly in the cloud. EncompaaS CEO Jesse Todd explains how.

Employers have managed employees for many years relying on the employee records exemption contained in the Privacy Act. However, in the recent case of Lee v Superior Wood [2019] FWCFB 2946, the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) turned the common understanding of the employee records exemption on its head.
