
On the heels of Google announcing half a billion people talk to its voice assistant every month and the rise of business voice apps like Alexa for Business and Oracle AI Voice, there is now a global surge towards voice in the workplace. In Australia last month, Telstra signed a deal with ASX listed voice AI platform Dubber enabling business customers to monitor calls across any device, joining Optus, Cisco Webex calling and over 100 global telcos offering customers this AI monitoring service.

I first wrote about the differences between backups and archives almost 20 years ago. At the time, organizations were struggling to get to grips with the requirements to retain electronic records and the new-fangled world of e-discovery. So why are we still talking about this? And, more importantly, what’s changed? One word – cloud! And the right to be forgotten – more about that later.

2019 was the busiest year to date for Two Sides’ Anti-greenwash campaign. Globally, 388 organisations were found to be using unsubstantiated claims about print and paper’s impact on the environment. These organisations were identified by Two Sides throughout Europe, North and South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

There are many tools on the market now that can help you with your data governance initiative. In particular, there are numerous products that hold and manage your data glossary, data catalogue and data dictionaries.  These have proved very popular and the number of players in the market has increased over the last few years.

MinterEllison, the international law firm headquartered in Australia, is successfully using iManage RAVN to streamline an enormous document review project for one of its clients. The project – which involves a financial services institution undergoing remediation – requires MinterEllison to review more than half a million documents over a six-month period to identify which items need further follow-up by the client.
