
Penrith Council is undertaking a cloud-first digital transformation that will streamline the delivery of services to a rising population and at the same time lift the quality of those services.  Over the next few years Penrith is slated for massive growth with the opening of the second Sydney airport and its surrounding 'aerotropolis'.

It seems the business community, is crying out for systems leadership in a landscape which is getting more complex each day. A recent survey shows typical mid-size companies changed 39% of their SaaS apps within the last year. The role of the enterprise architect is under threat.

The Good Place” is an NBC TV series starring Kirsten Bell that finished up this year. It is an unusual TV series, not just because it concluded whilst its popularity was on the rise, but also because its core themes were philosophical

As supply chains become more global and complex, processes are becoming increasingly challenging to monitor and optimize. Identifying the root cause of inefficiencies can prove difficult without having a comprehensive view of operational workflows.

A Washington state-based startup, Docugami, has secured $US10 million seed funding to help develop am AI based platform that promises to transform how businesses create and manage documents for greater productivity, compliance, and insight.
