
We recently undertook a survey of Records and Information Management Professionals across Australia, which found only 5% claimed they have enough budget. If you believe your department is underfunded, one of the driving factors could be that your understanding of records and information management is very different from that held by your C-level executives.

The working world is experiencing an unprecedented spike in remote work. “We’re being forced into the world’s largest work-from-home experiment and, so far, it hasn’t been easy for a lot of organizations to implement,” says Saikat Chatterjee, Senior Director, Advisory at Gartner.

For the University of Sydney, digital transformation has been underway since well before the topic achieved buzzword status. With the Legal and Compliance division leading the way, the University has achieved a wide variety of process transformations by expanding the reach and utilisation of its record-keeping system, TRIM/Content Manager.

Now that robotic process automation has been a buzzword for a while, it’s descended from the Peak of Inflated Expectations into the Trough of Disillusionment for many.

After the news that 4 members of the Chinese armed forces were indicted by the US Department of Justice for the 2017 Equifax cyberattack, the company has announced details of a $US1 billion+ security and technology transformation project.
