
An Audit Victoria review of Enrolment Processes at Technical and Further Education Institutes has highlighted limited uptake of document automation with duplicative information collection, and manual processing still common.

Two non-profit organisations have just released their findings on a brand new solution for business process automation created by Australian software development company Cypher IQ.

Civica has built a cloud-based AI infused library search and management platform, leveraging technology first developed by Microsoft to search and interpret all the documents associated with the death of President Kennedy.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has released its Q2 statistics on notifications received under the Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) scheme. The 245 breach notifications in Q2 are on par with each other quarter since the scheme was introduced in July 2018.

A digital asset management strategy is the foundation to managing an organization’s digital assets and information. When that organisation is a $2B management services business running three wind farms, a solar farm, two gas transmission pipelines, a power station and a regional livestock exchange network of seven sales facilities, the challenge is formidable.
