
Data extraction from printed forms is by now a tried and true technology. Form Recognizer extracts key value pairs, tables and text from documents such as tax statements, oil and gas drilling well reports, completion reports, invoices, and purchase orders. However, real-world businesses often rely on a variety of documents for their day-to-day needs that are not always cleanly printed.

After decades of taxonomy design consulting, I’m still amazed that some organizations doubt the value of effective enterprise taxonomy design. Though knowledge and information management technologies, as well as associated search technologies have changed, the core business value and use cases for taxonomy have not.

Decision makers love data. But until recently, organizations have primarily relied on structured data—highly organized data sets that are easy to analyze. Unstructured data, like emails and text, don’t usually follow a predefined model or fit into relational databases. Therefore, a great deal of enterprise data is unstructured, but many organizations may ignore it completely because of the inherent difficulties of analyzing it.

A survey of Australia and New Zealand councils who attended KPMG’s public sector network’s local government transformation series in May 2019 has found that digital transformation is often ‘skin deep’, only implemented at the front end.

We have seen and understood that customer experience ( and a digital one at that) and the overall experience economy is the current industrial revolution. Now and for the foreseeable future, CX is a key battleground and competitive differentiator.
