
ABBYY has opened a regional office in Hong Kong to strengthen its relationships with enterprise-level customers and partners in the market. ABBYY is currently present in most countries in Asia with long-established offices in Taiwan and Japan and through its partner network.

Businesses have always had to navigate change, driven by many factors, including the introduction of new technologies, requirements to move into new markets, competitive pressures, or increased regulatory scrutiny.

Standards Australia, the peak standards-setting organisation for Australia, has released its first discussion paper on how it should approach standards building for AI. Standards Australia is accepting public submissions until 31 July on the role it should play in shaping standards for AI both nationally and globally.

Enterprise content management (ECM) has been with us for almost 20 years now. In an ideal world, one could argue that this longevity has given us a deep understanding of how to manage content within an organization. The reality however is quite different.

The past few years have shown a remarkable transformation in the document capture and data extraction market. With the rise of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and the desire to automate labor-heavy, document-centric workflows, document capture and data extraction applications have had to morph to meet a broad variety of needs. Here are a few observations from my daily interactions with partners and customers, and a few trends that are transforming the market.
