
On Friday, 20-June-2019, Gartner published new research titled “The Future of the DBMS Market Is Cloud” by Donald Feinberg, Merv Adrian and Adam Ronthal. The thesis: cloud is now the default platform for managing data. On-premises is the past, and only legacy compatibility or special requirements should keep you there. 

Human Resources and Finance departments are the worst offenders in Australian companies when it comes to relying on paper files, according to a new study of Australian workers.

Ocrolus, a New York startup that utilises machine learning to capture data from financial documents, has announced $US24M in new funding will be used to automate underwriting workflows for lenders and banks, and expand into new verticals.

SharePoint and Office365 records management specialists RecordPoint is moving its Asia-Pacific headquarters to Melbourne, with support from the Victorian Government to establish an AI and Engineering Hub.

Ricoh has announced the acquisition of document management and workflow automation company DocuWare, headquartered in Germany and the United States.
