
Do you know of a current or past eligible SA individual, team, group, student, researcher or volunteer (including a quiet achiever) who deserves to be recognised and celebrated due to their records management service excellence?

Federal MP Amanda Rishworth raised concerns over the weekend that Australia could be headed for another robo-debt ordeal after the government reportedly confirmed the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will use data matching to audit childcare rebates. Government agencies increasingly use automated tools to make or facilitate decisions that affect citizens’ lives, but it’s not always appropriate for important decisions to be made by a computer.

The US Office of Management and Budget has set a deadline of December 2022 for US Federal Government agencies to switch to electronic records. The US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) will not be able to accept non-electronic records after the deadline.

With more than 7,500 permanent staff and a $3 billion annual budget, Brisbane City Council is significantly larger than most local government organisations in Australia. It serves more than 1.2 million people and 128,000 business in the state’s capital.

As I sat down this morning sipping my coffee, I gave my LinkedIn feed its usual skim to see if anything grabbed my attention and a particular blog did, although it was probably for the wrong reason. I confess that my mind wasn’t focused on the task as I was already starting to think ahead to the tasks of the day once the sun was up and the kids were at school, so I initially scrolled past it. But something about it poked at my lizard brain and sent me searching for it again.
