
Enterprise organizations continue to push the boundaries in search of technologies that can understand and liberate meaning from unstructured content – documents, email communications, images, and text – given content is central to all business processes and activities.

At its most fundamental, the job of a professional records and information manager involves being able to sentence records for destruction. There have been many occasions when the frustrations and challenges of the job have left me wondering that I was the one being sentenced. So, you think the basic job of cleaning up information isn’t deadly work? Here’s proof.

Much of the progress we’ve seen in artificial intelligence in the past five years is due to deep learning. Advances in software algorithm models, processing power and dramatically lower costs have put deep learning within reach of more companies, opening the door for broader innovation in products and services, and also supporting the execution of complex business processes.

Internet traffic is set to explode, with predictions suggesting it could hit 4.8 zettabytes per year by 2022, which is more than three times the 2017 rate. In Australia, this traffic will consist of data flowing between people and applications, including Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and streaming services, and will increase even further when 5G services become mainstream.

Recently I attended a business networking event and, as you’d expect, the question “So what do you do?” was asked. I gave much the same answer as I’ve given hundreds of times before in that situation and my elevator pitch included the words, ‘business process automation’ (BPA). 
