
Companies are investing heavily in robotic process automation (RPA) to carve out a competitive advantage, according to a survey of executives from 450 companies in 14 markets worldwide (including Australia) conducted by protiviti. The survey found the average annual spend on RPA was around US$5 million, with the largest organisations planning to invest up to US$20 million.

Many government agencies overlook social media, not giving any thought to, or realising, that social media communications are State and Commonwealth Records that are required to be maintained. Other agencies we’ve spoken with assume that they are being recorded as part of their records management program, when in fact they aren’t. Considering social media has been around since 1997, it’s an area that is only just beginning to get the attention it deserves.

Deloitte Legal and UiPath are collaborating to develop and implement cutting edge automation solutions. Among the first solutions is a robot for the legal industry which Deloitte Legal and UiPath have co-developed to drive greater efficiencies for due diligence exercises.

When I'm not working for the PDF Association I still do some consulting in the document management space. Some recent conversations prompted me to revisit an assessment I wrote four years ago exploring a typical conversation between PDF technology providers and PDF technology users. Has anything changed?

The robots are coming! The robots are coming! At least that’s the impression you might get from all of the conversations around robotic process automation (RPA) so commonly heard these days by software vendors and analyst firms.
