
A small team of developers and data scientists based in Sydney is seeking to disrupt the enterprise capture market with a cloud-based machine learning platform and Google Vision OCR.

Early results of a project to automate classification of more than 8 million documents at Auckland Transport are amazing and give us confidence that the objective of automating the addition of retention tags will be achieved.

The government’s chief cyber security coordinator, Alastair McGibbon, told an audience of specialists in November 2018 that the prospect of a catastrophic cyber incident is: "the greatest existential threat we face as a society today."

Your organization’s policies are the foundation of your corporate governance system. If you need to prove that your organization is effectively governed, you need to be able to demonstrate that your policies are under control - 

Traditional approaches to accounts payable (AP) are changing and the focus is shifting from seeing AP as a cost centre to recognising it as a profit centre. To manage this change, organisations need to stop viewing AP through the lens of bookkeeping and bill payment, and begin to think about compliance, forecasting, extensive reporting, and working capital management, according to Upstream Solutions and ABBYY.
