
While companies, governments and individuals scramble to protect important data and critical systems from cyber threats, a sleeping national security issue could become the next cyber frontier. In fact, it may already be, and we don’t even know it.

The University of Sydney has revealed details of its extensive rollout of robotic process automation (RPA) at an event held by Blue Prism in London. The University launched its automation focused AI Hub in 2018 to improve service levels for staff and students, release staff time back to the business; and reduce risks. 

The WA state government has announced it will spend $A34.7 million over four years on the Office of Digital Government to transform digital processes in the Western Australian public sector.

While buzzwords we’re hearing these days, like ‘citizen developer’, might sound slightly Orwellian… they’re really nothing more than an indication that the face of employee-dom is changing.

Russ Hubbard is Chief Revenue Officer at Ephesoft, the enterprise content capture and data solution provider. At the opening of Ephesoft's new ANZ HQ in central Sydney's Martin Place, IDM sat down with Russ to learn more about the company's local operations and global strategy.
