
In the wake of recent high-profile redaction errors, DocsCorp has published a new industry guide on redaction entitled ‘The ultimate guide to redaction: what works and what doesn’t’.

Augmented analytics , continuous intelligence and explainable artificial intelligence (AI) are among the top trends in data and analytics technology that have significant disruptive potential over the next three to five years, according to Gartner, Inc.

​Digital transformation is a top priority at many enterprises as they attempt to convert more workflows to fully electronic processes. In the case of document handling and processing, many companies have implemented digital imaging solutions to convert their paper documents (mail, forms, archives, etc.) into digital documents. But that’s just one step on the path toward digital transformation.

It’s true to say that RPA has taken us a long way towards unlocking productivity benefits tied up in manual processes. It has galvanized a mindset that things can change without a need for massive systems reengineering.

In the GPS era, it’s been estimated that only 1 in 3 Young People Can Read a Road Map. Make that a topographical map and you can be certain the percentage would be much much lower. No such problem for competitors in the annual Australian Geography Competition, where the map reading skills and geographical knowledge of Australia’s best and brightest High School students are tested in a challenging multiple-choice test.
