
Artificial intelligence has been the domain of science fiction for decades — think HAL, the computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey” — but as many people know, it’s actually established well-developed and growing roots in modern-day life. Amazon’s Echo, Netflix’s recommendation engines, Facebook’s facial recognition technology, auto-braking on cars, it’s all based on the ability to analyze massive amounts of data in near real-time and being able to mimic human behavior based on the results.

Excitement about the potential for robotic process automation (RPA) to transform the workplace shows no signs of subsiding in 2019. What are the significant RPA trends and developments that can be expected this year? IDM asked Rob Mills, Vice President, Australia & New Zealand at Blue Prism for his perspective. Mills has a lengthy background in enterprise content, collaboration and information governance, and is looking forward to the arrival of true intelligent automation, what Blue Prism calls connected-RPA.

Information accidentally revealed by lawyers working for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is said to be "the clearest public evidence of coordination between the campaign and Russians." The error revealed prosecutors "apparently believe that Manafort shared internal Trump polling data with the suspected spy Konstantin Kilimnik during the campaign."

Records management is rarely smooth sailing – it can often feel like you’re a tiny vessel in the middle of a sea of legislation. Just when you think you’re paddling in the right direction, a wave of legislation sends you reeling.

Is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) more than just a tool to mimic the actions and keystrokes of people executing manual processes? According to a recent Forbes report its actually a “Gateway Drug” to AI and Digital Transformation.
