
Malicious code is becoming increasingly common to find, both for traditional IT software as well as for OT, IoT and other embedded and unmanaged devices. Malicious actors are targeting public exploit proofs-of-concept (PoCs), typically porting them into something more useful or less detectable by adding payloads, packaging them into a malware module or rewriting them to run in other execution environments.

A group of 12 nations, including Canada, Australia, the UK and New Zealand, have issued a joint call on social media companies (SMCs) to protect personal information on their platforms from unlawful data scraping.

Traditional high-speed document scanning requires extensive prep, lots of labour, and often involves considerable scanner downtime while waiting for documents to be prepped. The latest evolution of document scanners faces these challenges head-on and delivers substantial improvement in productivity. Here's what you need to know to scale up your scanning performance.

OpenText has announced the expansion of its partnership with Google Cloud, a move aimed at facilitating AI-powered integrations designed to enhance organizations' utilization of their data stored on Google Cloud for competitive advantage.

A new survey undertaken by Swinburne University of Technology and Astral Consulting Services has found that Australian businesses and goverment organisations are at risk due to the overwhelming increase in data that organisations create daily.
