
If you’re considering starting a Data Governance initiative, you may be wondering what the first six months of work might look like - and that is a very good question because it is challenging… and even though I have done it many times before, sometimes it still surprises me exactly how involved and challenging those first few months can be!

Two years after a scathing report from the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has issued two contracts worth over $A3.6 million dollars to implement records management systems from solution provider iCognition and local AI developer CastlePoint.

Almost three-quarters (72%) of Australian businesses are using some form of AI, however only half of respondents (52%) have staff policies in place for its use, according to a report commissioned by solution provider datacom.

AUCloud has partnered with managed services provider LexVeritas to launch LexCloud, Australia’s first dedicated sovereign cloud solution designed for Australian law firms.

Microsoft has announced a series of enhancements to Priva, its platform for identifying personal data and critical privacy risks in M365, including closer integration with Purview Compliance Manager.
