
There has been a sharp increase in the number of Australians who feel data breaches are the biggest privacy risk they face today, according to a survey released by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

The release of the advanced chatbot ChatGPT in 2022 got everyone talking about artificial intelligence (AI). Its sophisticated capabilities amplified concerns about AI becoming so advanced that soon we would not be able to control it. This even led some experts and industry leaders to warn that the technology could lead to human extinction.

Two new Australian companies have announced potential exposure in the data breach by law firm HBL Ebsworth which has already compromised more than 40 government agencies.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), a new Australian Commonwealth agency that began operating from July 1, has turned to the cloud for its enterprise software under long term contracts with Kapish and TechnologyOne.

Ever wondered what might be (one of the) secret ingredients for a successful, transformational IT project? Well, other than the obvious and well-documented stuff such as good Project Management discipline, you will also need a robust and effective governance, shared with your customer. It’s not an unnecessary overhead or an administrative burden. It is key to every project’s success.
