
Data culture is the collective behaviours and beliefs of people who value, practice and encourage the use of data to improve decision-making. As a result, data is woven into the operations, mindset and identity of an organisation. A data culture equips everyone in an organisation with the insights they need to be truly data-driven.

A national body to monitor and audit automated decision-making in government has been recommended by the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme. The findings of the Royal Commission, which run to over 1000 pages, include major criticisms of the scheme and 57 recommendations for the government and the public sector.

Digital employees, such as chatbots powered by artificial intelligence, are increasingly utilised alongside human employees to create a dual frontline service, but how are customers experiencing this trend?

It strikes me as paradoxical that businesses feel very secure in using artificial intelligence to let people know, for example, when it is safe to make a lane change at 100 kilometres per hour, yet they are reticent to use the same technology to classify and manage information through its lifecycle. Artificial Intelligence is used almost every minute of every day, in nearly every smart device we own. 

Financial institutions across Australia are finally waking up to the reality that cyber security threats and attacks are constantly evolving, and the bad actors behind them are relentless. Not only this, but they are becoming more and more sophisticated and advanced in terms of what they will use to launch a cyber attack. 
