
Miguel Zubizaretta is Hyland Executive Vice-President, CTO and Employee Number 3. He played a vital role in the development of the OnBase ECM platform in the early 1990s and has spearheaded its successes in the global information management market. IDM asked Miguel to outline where he sees the positioning of OnBase as it ramps up its efforts in the APAC market.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia has acquired two leading Australian solution providers specialising in OpenText Enterprise Content Management and Digital solutions, Knowledge Partners and Stonebridge Systems.

Lexmark is keeping the Perceptive brand, but renaming its enterprise software division, which will now go to market as Lexmark, though its products including Perceptive Content, Perceptive Intelligent Capture, and Perceptive Search will still bear the Perceptive brand name.

The big news from the keynote presentation at the Office 365 Summit in Sydney this week was that there is no big news. We sat on the edge of our seats waiting for the long awaited Australian Office 365 services to be announced and got (drum roll) nothing. However, this is the cloud nothing stays the same for long. By day two of the summit, everything had changed. The Office 365 (and CRM online) services were now live in Australia and the sun had come out.

US start-up Sensai has announced it raised $US900K in seed funding to develop its unstructured data analysis platform, which it is initially targeting at larger financial services and compliance organizations.
