
Australia's MacroView created its MacroView DMF and Message products to make it easier for users to utilise Microsoft SharePoint to replace their existing File Shares and Outlook folders. SharePoint document stores that are structured using document sets  are generally preferable to using SharePoint Folders, writes managing director Noel Williams.

Making the most of information is a priority for many organisations. However, a new study from storage and information management company, Iron Mountain shows that a lack of understanding between those who manage and those who use information is making it harder to achieve this goal.

A scanning solution utilising ABBYY FlexiCapture is allowing a leading international provider of data and software to accounting practices and their clients, Bankstream, to significantly expand its service. The solution was developed by the NZ-based development team for Bankstream in response to the unique requirements of the UK market.

Brisbane Airport has begun trial of a Digital Departure Card for international passengers, removing the age old necessity of hand writing the official ‘outgoing passenger card’ (Departure Card) required for immigration purposes.

A $US1B buyout of leading enterprise capture vendor Kofax by Lexmark adds more weight to the capture and workflow software holdings of its Perceptive subsidiary, following earlier acquisitions ReadSoft and Brainware. It also potentially brings into play the huge channel network of over 850 partners that Kofax has established worldwide in raising the profile of Perceptive’s full suite of information management software.
