
Knowledge can’t be managed. Knowledge is everywhere, buried in the confines of the organisation, within stovepipes of systems and silos, but also woven in the minds of people. In fact, it is people not systems who possess knowledge and decide on its relevance according to the context of what they are working on.

Starting soon, new domain names will flood the Internet, changing how companies list themselves and how consumers find them online. In late January, the first new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) – .bike, .clothing, .guru, .holdings, .plumbing, .singles and .ventures – went live and many more such as .bid, .science and .pub are expected to follow, as companies look to expand their presence on the Internet. Iron Mountain escrow protection has been chosen to protect the data for more than 70 percent of all new gTLDs.

UK pet owners can be confident if Fido or Fluffy comes to grief their claims will be settled rapidly, following the installation of a document scanning solution at Agria Pet Insurance to streamline the whole process of managing claims. Last year 75,000 claims were received with £20 million paid out to British customers insuring their cats and dogs.

The standard police practice of using a line-up to help identify a criminal could become a thing of the past, if a new voice biometrics solution designed for use in forensic and criminal investigations from Nuance Communications takes off. The new tool, Nuance Forensics, employs patented voice biometrics technology to assist in confirming or denying the identity of individuals based on audio files that are used during investigations. 

There are plenty of scare stories around about what will happen in the aftermath of withdrawal for support of Microsoft Windows XP  on April 8, 201. Undoubtedly, some people won’t manage to migrate their systems in time. Are the dangers significant or are the risks over-hyped?
