
Peoplebank, Australia's largest IT and specialist recruiter, has signed a contract to use Secured Signing's digital signing process to give it an edge in getting its contractors signed up and onto client projects.  Peoplebank has begun rolling out the service and early adopters are finding savings of around an hour-and-a-half with each new contractor placement.

Sony has begun an initial launch of a new “Digital Paper” initiative in the U.S. to legal, higher education, and government and enterprise markets

Top  Image Systems has won a contract to provide an eFLOW deployment worth over $1.0M USD to process the digital census of a country in EMEA with a population of over 15 million.  The project follows Top Image Systems' recognition as an approved vendor for the UNPFA (United Nations Population Fund Agency), the organisation responsible for the execution of censuses worldwide. 

The Geneva-based International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is concerned that organisations are not prepared for a world where business information, once totally paper-based, is now distributed in millions of digital records and e-mails that make up an organisation's data. It has published a new report to help assess the risks.

Most people have heard the phrase “people are our most valuable resource.” But is this really true? And — assuming that it is — do most businesses act on this truth?
