
Sweeping privacy reforms that came into effect on the 12 March 2014 are the most significant changes to the Privacy Act 1988 since it came into force 25 years ago.  The 13 new Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) regulate the handling of personal information by the Australian Government and businesses with an annual turnover of more than $3 million. 

Objective Corporation has broadened the reach of its cloud file sharing platform, Objective Connect, to users of the HP TRIM EDRMS.

Office365 is being deployed to almost 150,000 government employees in Queensland, in a deal that that is expected to shave $A13.7 million off Microsoft licensing costs over three years.

A new study by information management analysts AIIM, concludes that business leaders see collaboration as ‘crucial,’ but are confused by the rapid convergence of tools.

For information management (IM) professionals, entity relationship modelling has become a necessary skill set.
