
According to a study of 314 companies spanning 10 countries, the average total cost of a data breach increased 15 percent in the last year to $US3.5 million. The Ponemon Institute annual Cost of Data Breach Study, sponsored by IBM, also found that the cost incurred for each lost or stolen record containing sensitive and confidential information increased more than nine percent to $US145.

Upwards of 1200 websites published by Australian Commonwealth Government agencies could be heading down the road of a Drupal-based shared Web platform beginning in September 2014, according to a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Government Content Management System – with the working title of GovCMS.

Lexmark International, has announced that it has made a $US182 million cash offer for Sweden-based ReadSoft, and the offer has been unanimously recommended by ReadSoft's Board of Directors.

Information Management and Governance (IMG) specialist, iCognition, has won a contract to deploy HP’s key information analysis and legacy data clean-up software, HP ControlPoint, at NSW’s Port Stephens Council.

The national Commission of Audit (CoA) has recommended the Australian Public Service consolidate its vast range of bespoke and off the shelf corporate ICT in order to facilitate a move to shared services. The incoming Liberal Government established the Commission of Audit in October 2013 to review and report on the performance, functions and roles of the Commonwealth government.
