
Scytl Online Voting technology has been selected to support the extension of the iVote Online Voting system to all voters in the State of NSW for the upcoming General Election in 2015. At this time, only the visually impaired, disabled electors or electors who are outside NSW on Election Day or live a long way from a polling place can vote via the iVote system.

Queensland Government Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP) has been named a winner of the 2014 Gartner Business Process Management Excellence Awards for the Asia Pacific region.  

Recordkeeping is the process of making and maintaining complete, accurate and reliable evidence of business transactions, and government records are crucial to individuals seeking to establish their identities or ensure their entitlements to basic human rights. With their enormous capacity to store information quickly and cheaply over a timescale of years, the computerisation of the workplace should have made the task of recordkeeping within organisations easier. In fact, standards of recordkeeping in many organisations have declined over the 25 or so years since computers became common in the workplace. 

In organisations where the IT Department equates success for new ways of working with installing the software correctly, all the great stuff doesn't happen. Employees ignore the new capabilities and keep using current tools to get their work done in historical ways. Or they make a minimal effort to comply with the IT mandate to "use SharePoint," but do so only for the most mundane of work processes. Although the organization has at its disposal new capabilities that offer transformative possibilities, they are relegated to insignificance through lack of imagination.

Far too often I have seen knowledge and information management projects fall short of achieving their full potential.
