
Many organisations feel that they are at risk because of a lack of information governance polices, according to new research from the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), with data lapses over the past 12 months sharpening focus on the security and privacy elements of information governance. 

Version 3 of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) diagram, has been released by the EDRM standards organisation for the e-discovery market. Originally published in 2006, the framework is a popular tool used by legal professionals and others involved in e-discovery to help clarify processes and expectations among project stakeholders. 

Objective Corporation has been re-appointed as an accredited supplier to the NSW Government under the NSW ICT Software agreement (Contract 607).

Thailand’s Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) and Microsoft (Thailand) Limited have  signed a memorandum of understanding that will provide 8 million students and 400,000 teachers across Thailand with access to Microsoft Office 365 for education. The agreement, which also includes the extension of the highly successful Partners in Learning initiative to 2019, represents the single biggest cloud service deployment for Microsoft in the education sector globally.

Digitalization, the third era of enterprise IT, is beginning, but most CIOs do not feel prepared for this next era, according to a global survey of CIOs by Gartner, Inc.'s Executive Programs. The survey showed that many CIOs feel overwhelmed by the prospect of building digital leadership while renovating the core of IT infrastructure and capability for the digital future. The survey found that 51 percent of CIOs are concerned that the digital torrent is coming faster than they can cope and 42 percent don't feel that they have the talent needed to face this future.  
