
Digital asset management (DAM) software maker Picturepark offers a browser-based DAM that works in the cloud (SaaS), on-site or as a hybrid. Leveraging Microsoft .NET and SOA for global integration possibilities, CEO Ramon Foster believes the Swiss-made solution offers a unique ability to handle the multimedia needs of a single department or scale to satisfy the needs of a global multinational requiring a multi-tenanted approach.  

Hitec Laboratories (Hitec), a provider of Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software solutions, has announced a partnership with Sydney-based GRC Solutions.

The revised BS ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and BS ISO/IEC 27002:2013 standards have been published. The standards which help businesses manage information security were first conceived at BSI, the business standards company, in the shape of BS 7799. 

Are you planning to scan and digitise all your paper documents and manage them electronically in SharePoint?  Then you are in the right place. SharePoint is a mature Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform that allows you to manage the full lifecycle of content in an orgnisation. However in order to get the maximum value of its rich ECM capabilities you need get the content into SharePoint the right way

Lexmark International has acquired PACSGEAR, a provider of connectivity solutions for healthcare providers to capture, manage and share medical images and related documents and integrate them with existing picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and electronic medical records (EMR) systems. Lexmark paid a cash purchase price of approximately $US54 million.
