
Recordkeeping – yawn. We all know what that is: Whack some metadata on a document, refer to the file plan, apply a function/activity classification, determine the correct retention and disposal schedule, click, save, done. Right?

Civica  has been selected by Victoria's Maribyrnong City Council to provide an overhaul to  its Finance, Payroll, Land Information Systems, Authority Assets and Customer Requests Management.

The development and implementation of digital government strategies is putting the government CIO role under pressure, leading to the creation of new roles, according to Gartner, Inc. The analyst firm predicts that by 2014, more than 10 percent of government organisations will have appointed a chief data officer and over 20 percent will have appointed a chief digital officer.

Arcitecta, the Australian company behind the Mediaflux platform for complex, distributed data management, is extending its global reach through an OEM agreement with SGI. 


Neil Fraser's first days on the job as Macquarie University's new Director of Information in July 2010 were not some of his happiest. Macquarie University has a goal of moving 10 million assets from shared drives and other campus repositories into its centralised Alfresco Enterprise ECM platform by the end of 2014, however the journey began inauspiciously.
