
The problem with standards is that there are so many to choose from, laughs Barbara Reed of Recordkeeping Innovation.

Unless you have spent the last six months stranded on a deserted island, it is highly probable that you have read that many countries around the world are working to define ways to best manage “private information” in the digital age. In Australia, the revised Privacy Amendment Act will come into effect in March 2014. 


The National Archives of Australia (NAA) Annual report claims the 2015 Digital Transition for federal government agencies is ontrack, although it notes there is still considerable room for improvement in agency uptake.

Scanning invoices in an attempt to reduce procurement effort is like ordering a faster fax machine because your current model is too slow argues Steve Howcroft. So why not just get rid of the fax machine?

Strong growth in recent years has seen New Zealand Health Insurer Accuro adopt a hybrid cloud strategy and explore forms-based automation with its Laserfiche document management platform.
