
A white paper issued by the Australian chapters of global IT association ISACA highlights the potential for security breaches and major technology disasters at leading Australian organisations, with 60% of IT professionals stating they do not believe all IT-related risks are being effectively managed.

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has identified five key levers that need to be managed in order for government agencies to minimise the corruption risks involved in managing information technology (IT) contractors.

Lexmark International is to acquire Germany-based Saperion AG, a developer and provider of enterprise content management (ECM) and business process management (BPM) software in Europe, for a cash purchase price of approximately $US72 million. 

Metalogix has acquired Axceler’s SharePoint governance and administration product, ControlPoint to enhance its offerings for management of the entire SharePoint lifecycle. ControlPoint for SharePoint Administration enables organisations to enforce governance strategies and is in use at over 3000 organisations worldwide to manage more than 14 million SharePoint users. 

Victoria's Supreme Court is to receive a new web-based case management system, known as RedCrest, after the state government announced $A675,000 funding for the initiative.

