
Village Roadshow has moved to the next phase of its Accounts Payable (AP) automation project using ReadSoft to manage Payment Proposals in SAP.


Although I have been involved in document capture for over 20 years, it was not until Datacap joined forces with IBM in 2010 that we started to meet regularly with large banks to help them address their massive mortgage processing challenges.  Even given all the things that I had learned over the years about high-volume document capture, I have been surprised just how many nuances and special considerations that there are when it comes time to scan a mortgage.

There are differences between backup and archive. It is clear that these are two different and complementary technologies. While most IT experts are familiar with backup, many are less comfortable with archive solutions. Here are 5 critical considerations in choosing an archive system.

Australian Medical Association President, Dr Steve Hambleton, has responded to the resignation of Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, head of clinical leadership and stakeholder management, from the National Electronic Health Transition Authority (NEHTA).

This is Technology Tracey.  Today, Tracey has decided she needs a new car.  After driving to the nearest car yard (she is personal friends with one of the salespeople), she buys a nifty two-door coupe with canary yellow paint, leopard print seats, keyless entry and an eight speaker, top of the line stereo.  Tracey drives home feeling very happy.  But then her significant other asks: “How will I drive our three kids to soccer practice?”
