
This month NuLegal celebrated the commencement of its 10th electronic courtroom project (“eTrial”) in the Australian Courts with a solution powered by EDT.

The Shire of Esperance in Western Australia has gone live on the new Civica cloud platform launched last month.

The ANZ tablet market continued to register phenomenal growth of 147% year-on-year in 2013 Q1 according to research by analyst firm IDC, bringing the total market size up to 1.14 million units. This tremendous growth was contributed by a jump in demand of smaller, cheaper Android tablets, as well as Windows tablets. 

Top Image Systems (TIS)  has filed a patent to the U.S. Patents Office for a new capture product for Google Glass, known as GlassCapture.  

IBM has announced the findings of of a survey of 90 IT executives in Australia, which found that many are struggling to keep up with the pace of change in mobility, cloud, and security along with ever-growing user demands for BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology).
