
Sage Business Solutions, the provider of mid-market erp accounting software, has announced it will distributing the Redmap solution for document automation in the Australia/NZ markets.

The Australian Department of Defence has undertaken field trials to deploy Microsoft SharePoint into their tactical theatre. The tests have specifically focused on deploying SharePoint within a low and unstable bandwidth environments and the initial results are extremely positive.

Last week James Milne began his examination of why  failed SharePoint projects have become so commonplace they are referred to as another, ‘‘SharePoint Shipwreck’’. In Part II he examines some more strategies to avoid being sunk. 

By the end of this year 300,000 of Australia’s Catholic School students and 30,000 teachers will be using the Google Apps platform, under a program announced Catholic Education Network (CEnet).

According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research,  the global e-discovery market was worth $US3.6 billion in 2010 and is expected to reach $US9.9 billion in 2017. In the overall global market, the US is expected to maintain its lead position in terms of revenue with 73% of global e-discovery market share in 2017.
