
FileBound Australia has signed a partnering agreement with The Information Management Group Pty Ltd (TIMG) which will see TIMG deliver a cloud based Document Management and Workflow solution for use by its clients.

Fujitsu has been appointed by Freehills to provide Hosted Services in its Australian data centres for the firm's e-discovery applications.

Two major public sector organisation in New Zealand, the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Ministry of Transport (MoT), have issued a joint tender for enterprise search across SharePoint and other information repositories.

SharePoint has become such a pervasive platform in the market place, we see SharePoint projects becoming more common place in many organisations. Unfortunately, it seems that many of these projects will fail. There are a variety of reasons, excuses and explanations as to why this is the case, with the great majority pointing the finger at the technology.

To help celebrate its 10-year anniversary, US document management provider, Cintas Corporation has come up with an interesting Top 10 list of innovations in document management throughout history. The list highlights key inventions and developments that have shaped the way information is stored, organised and destroyed throughout history.
