
A worldwide electronics manufacturing services provider has selected ReadSoft’s SAP-certified invoice automation solution to streamline its accounts payable operations and enable greater processing efficiencies across the enterprise. The agreement is worth over 440,000 USD and was signed during the fourth quarter of 2011.

Two new global records management standards have been published by the International Organization for Standardization (IS0), promising to help prevent failures in corporate governance.

Many organisations have special protocols for document handling in order to comply with governmen regulation, conform to industry standards, or adhere to their own internal rules of corporate governance. By Greg Milliken, President of M-Files, Inc

The Victorian Ombudsman has delivered a scathing report on the practices of the Victorian public sector in managing information & communication technology enabled (ICT-enabled) projects, claiming inefficient practices have cost government in excess of $1.4 billion.

A perennial issue facing most content managers is training people to apply the right tags and metadata. Without good tagging content is lost, leading to duplication, ineffective search and a substantial amount of time wasted as people hunt for content they know is in there somewhere. The DataFacet solution from WAND Inc provides sets of extensive taxonomies, and tools to automate the classification of documents and web content.
