
Australian bureau Law In Order is now acting as as a reseller for the kCura Relativity eDiscovery platform, offering on-premise deployment as an alternative to the hosted solution it began delivering in 2009.

The NZ government body that administers Maori-owned land is making a move to SharePoint to handle information management.

Canada’s SydneyPLUS has acquired Inmagic's special library business, including Inmagic's DB/Text  Library Suite of products: DB/TextWorks, DB/Text  WebPublisher Pro, and Inmagic Genie. Additionally, the companies are announcing a strategic partnership to co-market and support Inmagic's Presto for Social Libraries.

Australian law firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth has adopted a portfolio of solutions for business process automation, time capture, application integration, and confidentiality management software from IntApp.

The $3.9 billion ECM market is consolidating with just five vendors competing globally at the enterprise level, according to Gavin Tay, one of the authors of Gartner’s 2011 Magic Quadrant for the Enterprise Content Management industry
