
Over recent years, user and entity behaviour analysis (UEBA) has evolved as a new set of tools in the chief information security officer (CISO)’s armoury. So, where has it come from and how can today’s solutions help? 

A small avalanche of data from various sources (including Gartner) confirms what many of us in the cybersecurity world have believed for years: security awareness doesn’t work. I suspect that this will not come as a surprise to anyone who works in security as it is routine for employees to prioritise pretty much anything else over security when a conflict arises.

Most enterprises are flying blind with unstructured data. They don't know what they have, who is using it, why it's growing so fast, or how to be more efficient in managing it.

Transport for NSW, the agency responsible for the state's transport network, is underway with a major shift in its information management strategy, in a $A4 million migration to Micro Focus Content Manager Cloud.

Since Microsoft announced it will soon end support for Office 2013, some IT administrators are scrambling to upgrade. Others are not. IT administrators who practise software lifecycle management have already identified, scheduled and implemented necessary upgrades.
