
Western Australian iron ore company Karara Mining has hit paydirt with the teaming of Autonomy iManage WorkSite and Advantys WorkflowGen to provide a shared environment for storing business content. Documents, records, email messages and other media are consolidated in a central library, making them easier to find, share, and reuse.

A leading cheque outsourcing service bureau in the Asia Pacific has selected TIS' eFLOW version 4.5 for cheque processing. The company is an established clearing and payment solutions and services provider for the banking and finance industry, reports Israel’s Top Image Systems.

Stuart Finlayson asked three Australian organisations how they are facing up to the challenge of records management for in the transition from paper to digital documents.

For companies concerned about protecting sensitive electronic data, SailPoint's 2010 Market Pulse Survey reveals an alarming set of worker attitudes: employees openly admit they would take company data, including customer data and product plans, when leaving a job. Conducted by Harris Interactive, the online survey probed 1,594 full- and part-time employees and contractors in the United States and Great Britain about their attitudes toward accessing and viewing of company-owned data. has become a Relativity Premium Hosting Partner and is now offering the e‐discovery review platform that handles document analysis, review and production.
