
Farid Jarrar has been appointed Chief Information Officer of Stellar’s Asia Pacific business. Jarrar will lead and further develop Stellar’s call centre and business process technology strategies.

ZyLAB, a provider of e-discovery and information management solutions, has announced that key modules from its eDiscovery & Production system were used by the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials/Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (UNAKRT/ECCC) to help achieve the first conviction of a major Khmer Rouge figure.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is adopting IBM Lotus Connections to provide wikis, collaboration and instant messaging for its 3200 staff.

A major report into Australia’s superannuation industry claims annual savings of over $A1 billion can be achieved through major changes to back office processing to reduce costly manual processing of funds.

The US National Security Agency and Army Research Office have awarded a $1.78 million research grant to Dr Michael J Biercuk, a University of Sydney physicist researching next generation quantum computing.

