
The British Library has enlisted IBM to help with a project that will preserve and analyse terabytes of information on the Web before it is lost forever.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has purchased 11 new Kodak scanners for Census 2011, the largest data collection undertaken by the ABS.

Elvis Presley and Osama Bin laden are two unlikely figures behind the success of the Australian operations of New Holland Publishing, a specialist non-fiction publisher that has been operating in this country for over 16 years.

Could you be hoodwinked by a fake email? We may comfort ourselves that we would be better than Malcolm Turnbull at spotting a bogus message, but David McGrath warns of the perils that await the unwary.


 The much-anticipated release of SharePoint 2010 is due on May 12, but what will this really mean for the information management profession? Anthony Woodward examines what has been revealed with the beta preview.
