
Gone are the days when collaborating at work meant either blocking time off in the conference room, sending a quick chat to your co-worker, or posting a file on your agency’s intranet or extranet. Today, collaboration for the government is on-the-go, with a mix of employees collaborating cross-country or often from home; and while solutions like Microsoft 365, driven by the adoption of Microsoft Teams, aim to interconnect employees, the path towards security is less clearly defined.

In a recent commissioned research study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Digital Workforce, findings show that F&A teams are hindered by their failure to adopt automation for strategic success. The study reveals that although many businesses have invested in RPA (Robotic Process Automation), their efforts have not gone far enough to truly digitally transform their F&A processes.

Several customers have asked us how they can change the way they manage records using Content Manager to get a better return on their investment. They tell us that they no longer want their Content Manager system to be the single source of truth. Why? Because staff are required to understand how and when to use Content Manager. That is, Content Manager is enforcing a centralised repository model, which means staff need to take extra steps in capturing, managing or searching for records – something they would rather avoid.

Gilchrist Connell, an Australian law firm specialising in the insurance sector, has completed the roll-out of a firm-wide knowledge management and business intelligence solution leveraging Litera’s Foundation Firm Intelligence Platform.

Nearly half of respondents to a global survey of IT and security professionals say their company depends on outdated, legacy backup and recovery infrastructure to manage and protect their data. In some cases, this technology is more than 20 years old, and was designed long before today’s multi-cloud era and onslaught of sophisticated cyberattacks plaguing enterprises globally.
