Beezy on SharePoint uses the Microsoft Office Graph

Beezy Inc., a developer of enterprise collaboration solution for SharePoint and Office 365, has announced the availability of new capabilities through integration with Microsoft's Office Graph.

The Office Graph uses machine-learning to identify connections between user profiles, social network activity, content, and other data sources and then provides relevant, timely, and contextual data for the end user based on those connections.

The Office Graph requires use of Office 365 and SharePoint Online, but with the SharePoint 2016 release, has the ability to connect to on-premise environments through hybrid solutions that can take advantage of these features. As part of the next Beezy release, users will benefit from the following integrations: 

Ultra-fast mentions: Every time a user adds an @ mention, the system will suggest the names of the co-workers you interact with the most.    

Discovery cards: Within the stream of an activity feed, the user will see recommendations for Communities to join based on their profile and activities, or People they may be interested in following. Both recommendations are leveraging the “Working with…” API method of the Office Graph mixed with some business logic coming from Beezy.    

Questions routing: Users will see when a close colleague answers a question, and will then have the ability to post an answer. By routing this Q&A to other people with similar skills and network proximity to the first respondent, Beezy increases the quality of the overall answers.    

Recommended skills & expertise: When Beezy detects that a close co-workers has updated their profile skills, it sends a suggestion to a user's feed and asks whether they would also like to add this skill, helping improve the quality of the user's profile.