WA Department to Deploy Objective ECM
WA Department to Deploy Objective ECM
May 7, 2007: The Western Australian Department of Planning and Infrastructure has signed the dotted line with Objective for an enterprise wide ECM solution.
The Objective solution will be rolled out across more than 1700 seats in a contract to extend for a period of seven years, representing a minimum value of $3.6 million. With a widely dispersed agency, Objective will deploy the solutions across five metropolitan and eleven regional offices.
Objective were awarded the contract under the recently established preferred supplier panel for electronic document management systems across the WA Government. Objective became a preferred supplier on the panel in 2006 and is the first business on the panel to be awarded a contract.
The Objective solution will offer a single information repository to underpin the Department’s information and business processes. With the Department after an ECM solution that would manage growth of information and information types as well as enhance the sharing and exchange of knowledge, the solution will also improve eGovernment capabilities, ensure information integrity and increase transparency.
Tony Walls, CEO of Objective Corporation, says the contract will provide a significant addition to their growing WA customer base.
”With the largest dedicated team of ECM specialists in Western Australia, we will continue to work with our customers in this region and provide them with long-term, local service and support,” says Walls.