LA law firm using contentCrawler to support search and discovery

Lee, Hong, Degerman, Kang & Waimey, PC (LHDK&W), has successfully deployed Docscorp contentCrawler to enable full file search and precise legal discovery.

contentCrawler is processing legal documents in both English and Korean, ensuring every saved file can be identified and retrieved when required.

contentCrawler converts image-based documents in content repositories and document management systems to text-searchable PDFs.

It can recognize more than 180 languages, and as many as 16 at once without any impact on speed or performance.

Hugo Arriola, IT Manager at LHDK&W, explained that “contentcrawler’s ability to recognize and process Asian character sets gives us confidence knowing 100% of our client files can be found via a simple text search.”

DocsCorp VP for the Americas, Bob Moore, said, “Multi-language support is just one of contentCrawler’s many value-add features. It’s must-have software for any law firm with an international or diverse client base.”