SensorConnect Breaks the Glass Ceiling on Internet Transactions

SensorConnect Breaks the Glass Ceiling on Internet Transactions

April 3, 2007: Australian start-up SensorConnect has redefined the term ‘real-time’ through a significant breakthrough in transaction processing speeds, announcing a 100 – 1000 times improvement in internet transaction performance.

According to Joe Ward, Director of SensorConnect, the announcement marks a step towards overcoming the ‘industrial processing disease.’ “We decided to have a crack at it,” he says. “A lot of people are finding that they all have a similar type of problem.”

“It’s the ability to reflect the world online in a consistent manner,” says Ward. “This is groundbreaking technology and the first opportunity to have an online reflection of the world in actual real-time.”

The industrial processing disease comes down to slow relational database systems failing to keep up with the global demand for continuous real-time transaction processing.

It’s a disease that’s sparked wide-spread limitations in today’s transaction processing systems, but SensorConnect says it will change all this through its robust and scalable platform for handling multiple streams of high volume data.

“This patent-pending technology platform will out-run any mainstream simple data processing system, like RFID, to the tune of tens to hundreds of times in most cases, and in addition, our platform will scale to an unlimited number of CPUs and Memory,” says Dr Paul Scully-Power, recently appointed executive chairman of SensorConnect.

SensorConnect demonstrated their capabilities to an RFID audience at the IEEE International Conference on RFID in Texas last week. According to Ward, the technology ‘ruffled a few feathers’ yet the results are difficult to deny. Tested alongside SGI Inc, a global leader in super-computing, the SensorConnect platform demonstrated near linear performance in scalability as well as a peak ingestion rate of 6.8 million messages per second on 128 CPUs.

It’s also an opportunity to optimise the data centre and IT infrastructure and resources. “We believe the future is about scaling up as opposed to scaling out,” says Ward. “Increased energy consumption is a symptom of the scale-out approach – Google had to move its data centre from California to Oregon because of the cheaper power!”

SensorConnect believes the platform can revolutionise almost any internet transaction platform, from banking to stock trading, gaming and web servers. “Today, everything runs slow and it’s not a bandwidth problem, it’s using a 35 year old database architecture that’s the problem,” says Ward. “This is the problem we’ve solved. On the Internet, speed is everything and we’ve broken the ceiling on all these issues.”

SensorConnect plans to secure a partner in the financial services sector to test the market impact of the platform. “We are also considering the possibility of building businesses using the technology for competitive advantage rather than a technology licence,” says Ward.

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