Team Effort For Trade Document Processing

Team Effort For Trade Document Processing

October 9, 2006: Adobe and Tradocs have announced their joint effort for an electronic trade document solution.

The vendors say the new solution will allow banks, customers and suppliers to effectively manage international trade documents. Through an easier means to exchanging inter-corporate information and the routing of trade documents, the vendors say supply chain partners can access improved workflow and compliance procedures.

The solution is provided through the combined work of Tradocs Trade Services Utility (TSU) Connector Suite and the SWIFT Trade Service Utility platform, powered by Intel Core 2 Duo processes. Adobe provides the means to accessing the corresponding documents within supply chain workflows.

Adobe says the shift to electronic automating processing will allow both the physical and financial supply chain connections that will reduce costs. “A business’s ability to trade electronically can be vastly improved through the use of tools that enable the easy, secure exchange of electronic documents,” says Anthony Giagnacovo, EMEA finance practice director at Adobe.

The solution is to be demonstrated at the Sibos Conference in Sydney this week.

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