MessageLabs To Protect Intech

MessageLabs To Protect Intech

September 26th, 2006: Australian investment consulting company Intech is now relying on MessageLabs to protect it from non-compliance as well as spammers.

With increases in spam, virus and phishing activities and stronger compliance laws emerging, the need for effective email management is becoming more important than ever. Intech has deployed a fully managed archiving service from MessageLabs to help its 50 email users stick to corporate compliance laws.

Intech is responsible for managing over $8 billion of funds directly, so keeping track of email is not only in the company’s best interest, it is enforceable by law. Intech maintains a document retention policy which requires keeping all emails for up to seven years.

“With such rigorous compliance and a growing staff base relying on email to transact, we needed a solution that was best of breed and scalable,” says Jeremy Farquhar Information Technology Manager for Intech.

Intech says it managed the switch to MessageLabs in a few hours and believes that by doing so it has avoided any unpredictable costs associated with an in-house solution. It already uses MessageLabs anti-spam and anti-virus services to protect its email users from email threats, so moving up to a complete hosting solution was a small step.

MessageLabs estimates Australia is subject to around 73 million spam emails a day, while Telstra says 80 percent of email received by its BigPond mail servers is spam.

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